In agriculture, making informed decisions about crop management can be overwhelming. Growers and agronomists often struggle with questions about the efficacy of new solutions, especially under stressful conditions. To answer their questions, Van Iperen International has conducted, since 2018, more than 130 scientific and demonstration trials to validate the effectiveness of our plant-based biostimulants, Plants for Plants® (P4P) under both stressful and comfort conditions, providing growers with firsthand experience of the products.

Demonstrated trials have provided valuable data on many different crops and under various conditions. Furthermore, these precious results helped us to understand and definitely, explain the Mode of Action (MOA) of Plants for Plants® biostimulants, all these results perfectly confirmed the effectiveness of all the P4P products and their MOA.

Trial Result Book Year 2024-2025

Cover of Plants for Plants Trial book

The Trial Result Book Year 2024-2025 unveils all relevant information about each trial and concrete results per crop and type of plant-based biostimulantsPlants for Plants® 4-GoodPlants for Plants® 4-Vita, and Plants for Plants® 4-Terra- tested. These are the results:

  • Almost 70% of the trials showed positive meaning better quality and quantity.
  • 25% of the trials have shown neutral results meaning that the yield was similar to the control but with less input of water or nutrient.
  • Finally, 6% of the trials have shown negative impacts after the application of the products.

These results explain the heterogeneity of the plots; it is the perfect illustration of what is happening in reality.

In the frame of the EU-founded LIFE Project, we’ve tested the Plants for Plants® solutions using two different approaches:

  • Scientific trials (B4): we’ve performed scientific trials in distinct climatic zones all around Europe on a large number of crops. Using this approach, we’ve measured the efficiency of the Plants for Plants solutions under certain conditions and in different locations.
  • Demo trials (B5): thanks to the knowledge acquired during the scientific trials, we’ve proved the performance of the P4P products to growers all over the world with demo trials on a selection of crops.

Download an extract of the Plants for Plants® Trial Result Book now!


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Testimonial Video of Plants for Plants® Grower in The Netherlands

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