

这就是为什么易普润专注于研发为植物提供更好的营养利用效率 (NUE)、提高非生物胁迫耐受性和更高的作物品质的产品。我们相信将传统矿物肥料与生物刺激剂相结合是未来的发展方向。因此,我们专注于研发用于滴灌施肥,叶面施肥和精准土壤施肥的养分与生物刺激剂相结合的创新产品。


根据比利时列日大学Patrick du Jardin的说法,“植物生物刺激剂是指应用于植物的任何物质或微生物,旨在提高营养效率,非生物胁迫耐受性和/或作物品质性状,无论其营养成分”。




FoliaStim® Ultimate Liquid

Van Iperen FoliaStim® Ultimate Liquid is a pure and highly concentrated liquid NPK fertilizer, formulated with 15% seaweed, mineral nutrients and EDTA chelates. Our product is a stable solution and is recommended during phenological stages with high stress levels and nutrition needs, such as intensive vegetative growth, and high production phases. The synergy between our seaweed extract and the balanced NPK and chelated micronutrients content in our formula provides adequate readily available nutrients at critical stages, improving the plant performance and providing the support needed to optimize yields. The presence of high quality seaweed supports the uptake and the transportation of nutrients and increases resistance against abiotic stress.

FoliaStim® Mix TE Liquid

Van Iperen FoliaStim® Mix TE Liquid is a pure and highly concentrated liquid Micronutrient fertilizer, formulated with 15% seaweed, mineral nutrients and EDTA chelates. Our product is a stable solution and is recommended at different phenological stages. The synergy between our seaweed extract and the chelated micronutrients in our formula improves plant vitality and production. Ideal for preventing micronutrient deficiencies especially during intensive growth and production phases. The presence of high quality seaweed supports the uptake and the transportation of nutrients and increases resistance against abiotic stress.


易普润 荷优®易钾 是高浓缩的液体钾肥,其中钾是络合态的有机钾,可促进作物吸收钾,帮助钾在作物体内移动。我们的产品是稳定的溶液,建议在果实或块茎发育期,尤其在干旱期间使用。我们配方中的高浓度钾可改善细胞膨压及气孔调节功能,同时,配方中不含氮可促进生殖生长。