Van Iperen FoliaStim® Ultimate Liquid is a pure and highly concentrated liquid NPK fertilizer, formulated with 15% seaweed, mineral nutrients and EDTA chelates. Our product is a stable solution and is recommended during phenological stages with high stress levels and nutrition needs, such as intensive vegetative growth, and high production phases. The synergy between our seaweed extract and the balanced NPK and chelated micronutrients content in our formula provides adequate readily available nutrients at critical stages, improving the plant performance and providing the support needed to optimize yields. The presence of high quality seaweed supports the uptake and the transportation of nutrients and increases resistance against abiotic stress.

  • Improves root and shoot growth, vegetative growth and gives high quality buds and fruits
  • Micronutrients 100% chelated and fully available
  • Increases resistance to abiotic stress during critical physiological stages
  • Highly concentrated solution
  • 15% w/w of high quality Canadian seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum)
  • Processing of seaweed according to unique method, guaranteeing optimal effect
  • Production process certified according to ISO 9001:2015
  • Black liquid
  • Processing of seaweed according to unique method, guaranteeing optimal effect
  • Production process certified according to ISO 9001:2015
  • Produced in our own plant Euroliquids.

叶面施肥 | Foliar application



Compatible with other fertilizers, with the exception of Calcium fertilizers. Therefore a separate tank is needed or fertilizers should be applied on different times. The pH of the tank solution should be above 4.



