Iperen Fer Triathlon - containing 8.2% of Iron - is a highly pure, 50 % HBED, 40% EDDHA and 10% DTPA chelated Iron fertilizer, which dissolves rapidly and completely. Iperen Fer Triathlon is advised in alkaline conditions. The combination of these three high quality chelating agents gives your iron a full protection no matter the condition, and a fast and long lasting effect. Our product is dust free and is recommended at initial growth stages.

  • Gives a strong apical zone, free of chlorosis
  • 100% chelated and highly available iron up to a pH of 12
  • Developed for fertigation in open field and for soil injection
  • No affinity with copper, which improves the assimilation of iron
  • Rapidly dissolvable
  • HBED is UV-resistant
  • HBED is stable for a long period of time
  • Easy to handle, dissolve and apply

无土栽培 | Hydroponics

滴灌 | Fertigation

It is possible to apply a lower dose than recommended in case of low risk of deficiency or to avoid an expected potential slight deficiency.



Compatible with other fertilizers. The pH of the tank solution should be above 4.



