Van Iperen Cal Zinc Horticultural Grade is a derivate of Calcium Nitrate and Zinc Nitrate fertilizer, which dissolves rapidly and completely. Our product is not sensitive to caking and is recommended as of early spring until fruit setting. The high level of Calcium and Zinc in our formula improves the strength of cell walls and the growth of new healthy roots, vigurous shoots and flower buds. The presence of Nitrogen has a positive effect on the uptake of Calcium in the plant.

  • Improves root and shoot growth, bud and fruit quality and shelf-life
  • Developed for foliar application. Also suitable for fertigation in open field and greenhouses
  • Soft for leaf tissue
  • Low on heavy metals
  • Low on Sodium and Chloride
  • White-yellow flakes
  • Easy to handle, dissolve and apply

滴灌 | Fertigation

叶面施肥 | Foliar application



Compatible with other fertilizers, with the exception of Sulphate or Phosphate fertilizers. Therefore a separate tank is needed or fertilizers should be applied at different times.